Ian Snook: „Studies of crystallization of the hard sphere fluid - recent MD and MC studies and structure measures”
RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
The simplest realistic system to show a liquid/solid transition is the hard sphere system and so this system has been extensively studied and used as a prototype for understanding the freezing transition. Pioneering work by Alder and Wainwright and by Hoover and Ree established that not only is the fluid to solid transition of a three dimensional system of hard spheres possible but that it is a first order transition. The thermodynamic properties of each phase and the freezing and melting densities are now very accurately known.
However, the mechanism by which this transition occurs and a detailed description of the processes involved in nucleation are still not fully known.
In this talk I will outline work on this transition which I have been involved in for several years now.
I shall attempt to show what can be learnt about this transition from several points of view i.e.
- A thermodynamic one based on the calculation of the exact free volume1
- A topological one based on ring statistics2
- One based on single particle dynamics and the velocity autocorrelation function3,4 and finally
- Studies of the actual dynamics in which nucleation is observed5,6
- B. O' Malley and I. Snook, "Cavity and Free Volume Distribution of the Dense Hard Sphere System and the Fluid/Solid Transition", to be submitted
- B. O' Malley and I. Snook, "Structure of the hard sphere fluid and precursor structures to crystallisation". J. Chem. Phys., 123 054511 (2005)
- S.R. Williams, P. McGlynn, G. Bryant, I.K. Snook and W. van Megen, "Dynamical signatures of freezing: Stable fluids, metastable fluids and crystals", Phys. Rev. E, 74 031204 (2006)
- S.R. Williams, G. Bryant, I.K. Snook and W. van Megen, "Velocity autocorrelation functions of hard-sphere liquids: Long-time tails upon undercooling", Phys. Rev. Letters, 96 087801 (2006)
- B. O' Malley, and I. Snook, "Crystal Nucleation in the Hard Sphere Fluid at Co-existence", Phys. Rev. Letters, 90 85702 (2003)
- T. Schilling, H.J. Schope, M. Oettel, G. Opletal and I. Snook, "Precursor-mediated crystallization process in suspensions of hard spheres", Phys. Rev. Letters, to appear 2010